I moved here from another county in Florida. Can I transfer my voter registration from that county to Hamilton County? Yes. You can update your registration on-line or by filling-out and signing a voter registration application with your new information and mailing to the Supervisor of Elections Office. Please visit our Voter Registration page for more information. |
Does a person have to live in the State of Florida for a certain period of time before he can register to vote? No, there is no length of residency requirement in the State of Florida. However, you must be registered at least 29 days before you can vote in an election. The date your voter registration application is postmarked or hand delivered to the elections office or other official registration site will be your registration date. |
How will I know if my application was processed? If your application is complete and you are qualified as a voter, a registration identification card will be mailed to you. If your application was incomplete, you will be notified by the elections office to provide the missing information. Your application is not processed until the date that the missing information is received. |
Do I have to declare a party when I register to vote? No, you can register in any party you choose or register with no party affiliation. An applicant who does not designate a political party affiliation on their application will be registered without party affiliation (NPA). |
If I register with no party affiliation, can I choose a Democrat or Republican ballot in the primary election? No, Florida is a closed primary state. Only voters who are registered members of the two major political parties (Republicans/Democrats) may vote for their respective parties' candidates in a primary election. However, a recent change in the Florida Constitution provides that if all candidates have the same party affiliation and the winner will have no opposition in the general election, all qualified voters, regardless of party affiliation, may vote in the primary election for that office. It is also important to remember that judicial and school board offices are nonpartisan and are included in primary elections, as well as local referendum questions. All registered voters, including those without party affiliation and minor political party voters are entitled to vote on all of these offices and questions. At general elections, all voters receive the same ballot and may vote for any candidate or question on their ballot. |
How do I make a change of address in my voter registration record? A recent change in law now allows the voter to call the elections office with change of address information within Hamilton County. You may also write to the elections office or complete the information on the back of your voter identification card with your change of residence or mailing address, name change or choice of party affiliation change and mail it to the Supervisor of Elections. |
What is a provisional ballot? At all elections, a voter claiming to be properly registered in the county and eligible to vote at the precinct in the election, but whose eligibility cannot be determined, or if a voter does not have a photo/signature ID at the time of voting, shall be entitled to vote a provisional ballot. |
May I receive assistance in voting if necessary? Yes, upon request, a need for assistance at the polls may be designated on an elector's registration record. The elector can designate someone of his or her choice, other than an employer or an officer or agent of the person's union. Election officials may also provide assistance. |
I work next door to a polling place. Can I vote there or do I have to vote at the precinct near my home? Florida law states that you must vote in the precinct in which you live. |
What does an over-vote mean? An over-vote means that the voter marks or designates more names than there are persons to be elected to an office or designates more than one answer to a ballot question. In the case of an over-vote, the tabulator would record no vote for the office or question. |
What does an under-vote mean? An under-vote means that the voter does not properly designate any choice for an office or ballot question and the tabulator records no vote for the office or question. |
How far away from the polling place must candidates and campaign workers be on election day? One hundred fifty (150) feet from the entrance of the polling room. |
What hours are the polls open on election day? 7:00 am to 7:00 pm |
How are candidates listed on the ballot? In a primary election, candidates are listed alphabetically (except for circuit court judges who are determined by lot conducted by the State Director of the Division of Elections.) In a general election, the names of the candidates of the party that received the highest number of votes for Governor in the last election shall be placed first under the heading for each office; then, the names of the candidates of the party that received the second highest vote for Governor shall be second. Minor political party candidates and candidates with no party affiliation shall have their names appear on the general election ballot following the names of recognized political parties, in the same order as they were certified. - Florida Statutes 101.151(3)(a) |
How do I get a sample ballot for the primary or general election? Sample ballots will be mailed to each household, approximately two weeks before each election. They will also be published in the local newspaper the week prior to each election. Sample ballots will also be posted on our web site. |
Can I take my sample ballot into the polling room with me? Yes, you may take the sample ballot into the voting booth with you. Be sure that you take it with you when you leave the polling room. |
How much money can I donate to a countywide candidate? Up to $1000 per election. This amount includes in-kind contributions. |
What is an in-kind contribution?An in-kind contribution is anything of value made for the purpose of influencing the results of an election. Example - giving lumber to a candidate to build signs for his or her campaign or providing office space at no charge or a lesser charge. |
Can a candidate accept a cash contribution? A candidate may not accept contributions in cash or by means of a cashier's check in excess of $50. |
Are candidates' contributions and expenditures public record? Yes. |